abigail maneesh



This was one of my absolute favourite dates because we were able to walk around downtown Milton together and have our first ice cream date. I really enjoyed being at Mill Pond with you for the first time because it was such a beautiful day and you looked so pretty looking out at the pond. I remember taking pictures of you and of us holding hands and this picture always brings me peace because of how you glow in the sun as well as how relaxed we both look. This date truly was one of my favourites and I always look back on it.



The Art Gallery was another really fun date I enjoyed going on. This day was so packed full of events and I can't believe we did it all. From going to the art gallery, A-game cafe, krispy kreme, and the thrift store, I enjoyed every second of it. We took so many pretty pictures and as always, you looked so beautiful with your outfit! I can't wait to head back there a second time with you :)



This day was another one I always think about because of how pretty you looked this day. This was the first time you wore a summer dress and my god did you look like an angel. Even though the museum was a bit boring, being with you, eating chicken nuggets, and drinking bubble tea was so fun. We took so many good pictures together and ones that I love showing off to other people. I'll never forget your little hair clips it was so cute!



I remember literally everything about this day because it was such a fun time for the both of us. This was the first time I ever went on an actual picnic and I'm glad it was with you! We had so many laughs while eating and I remember picking you up so many times and you screaming for help like a dumb baby. It was also just so peaceful being in nature with the love of my life and seeing all the beautiful things around me (you included). I loved the dress you wore and I know this was also your first time actually wearing a proper summer dress. You looked so stunning like you fit in with the beautiful nature around us. Everytime I look at pictures of you from this day my jaw always drops and it makes me wanna treasure you forever :( You were glowing so much and I was so excited to take all of those pictures of you ♥



This was the most jampacked day I've ever had with you and that made it so fun. We got to go to downtown again and this time, go to the Rec Room which I've never gone to. I remember beating you in every arcade game especially the racing one LOL. I'm so competitive when it comes to arcade games I still remember making sure I got the highest score for the piano game. I had a blast playing all of the games with you like the basketball one, pacman, and the shooting ones. I think the only thing I hated about this day was getting that AWFUL tea from there that I had to throw out in the bathroom smh. Also, that one bubble tea place we went to right before was incredibly good that we should go there again sometime! Overall, really really good day with my baby ♥



Where do I start with your 19th birthday date! I had so much fun at the Science Center with the love of my life and it brought back so many memories when I first went there as a baby. It was so amazing being with your mom, sister, and of course you! I felt so comfortable being around you guys and that was just so incredible to me. I loved exploring all of the areas with you even if some parts were BORING as hell but we still made it funny together which I loved. I enjoyed cracking jokes to your mom hoping she would laugh and of course she did (because im her favourite)! Next time, I wanna take you to an acutal planetary museum because I think that would be the most fun and pretty thing to go to hehe.